We are Okraj, journalists and proud Ostrava locals. For over a year, we’ve been telling the story of Ostrava and the Moravian-Silesian Region as it truly is. We live in a city where air quality is improving, where a vibrant civil society thrives, and where culture is far more than just Stodolní Street or big commercial festivals. Ostrava’s story is one of people who are transforming their surroundings daily – often invisibly. Let’s give them the voice they deserve.
We’ve already managed to bring our topics to the national stage – even to Prague Castle. Now, we want to take a bold step forward. Our ambitious goal? By 2025, Ostrava will no longer be just a synonym for coal and steel.
Help us redefine Ostrava’s image, give our city’s story the frame it deserves, and share it beyond the borders of our region. Contribute any amount, pick a reward, and help us show what our city truly stands for. Our goal is to raise 175,000 CZK.
👀 What do we want to change?
We’ll break the stereotypes about our city and show that Ostrava is a symbol of innovation, community, and unique stories.
We’ll break the stereotypes about our city and show that Ostrava is a symbol of innovation, community, and unique stories.
📈 What’s our long-term goal?
We aim to create a space where Ostrava is seen as an inspiration – a symbol of cultural, ecological, and social transformation.
We aim to create a space where Ostrava is seen as an inspiration – a symbol of cultural, ecological, and social transformation.
🔍 Where will your support go?
We’ll write a series of articles exploring Ostrava’s biggest stereotypes and showing what’s been achieved. Is it really possible to see the air here? Is Baník just about hooligan brawls? Is Ostrava still only a city of coal and steel? And are we really just rough, uncultured “burani” (rednecks)? We’ll answer these questions and more, producing podcast interviews with Ostrava residents whose work often goes unseen but has a significant impact.
We’ll write a series of articles exploring Ostrava’s biggest stereotypes and showing what’s been achieved. Is it really possible to see the air here? Is Baník just about hooligan brawls? Is Ostrava still only a city of coal and steel? And are we really just rough, uncultured “burani” (rednecks)? We’ll answer these questions and more, producing podcast interviews with Ostrava residents whose work often goes unseen but has a significant impact.
Takovému cíli, který máte fandím a
kdyby Vás - nás bylo víc , třeba 300 000 bylo by to fajne :-) mějte krásný den!!!
Díky za Vaši skvělou práci, přesně takovou kvalitní žurnalistiku náš region potřebuje!
Naše Ostrava!!!
Napište něco skvělého, co rozešlu všem známým, co za mnou do Ostravy nechcou přijet, protože si myslí, že tu žijem po krk v sazich a pícháme si marihuanu rovnou na ulici. A taky doufám, že můj muž pošle jinou částku, abychom nemuseli na večírek spolu <3
Chce to ještě pár generací, ale nakonec se Ostrava dostane na úroveň Pardubic, Hradce, Plzně... Pro začátek by to chtělo nějakou jednu spešl věc, se kterou se Ostrava všem propojí.
Pardubice - perník.
Plzeň - pivo.
Olomouc - tvarůžky.
Ostrava - ???
Už se těším ma jarní dny, kdy vyrazíme na haldu a opečeme společně buřta!
Děcka, držím palce :-)
Jsem původem z Brna a přesně tyto stereotypy o Ostravě jsem měla i já. Na Ostravsko jsem se nyní přivdala a zjistila jsem, jak je Ostrava krásná a kolik toho nabízí. Za tuto práci děkuji a jednou by se mi líbilo, kdyby podobný projekt existoval i v Brně.
Transformace Ostravy a kraje, tema meho profesniho zivota. Proto vam rad posilam svuj prispevek. People make the difference👍
Testovací dar. Fungujeme! ♥️