Kulturou proti chátrání, z. s.

Culture, Art and History Regional and Community Development

Sibiř for all, all for Sibiř

When we came to Sibiř years ago, it was basically a ruin. Starting in the spring of 2017, we started to build a space that would be creative, collective, self-managed, non-commercial and self-created, with our own efforts and at our own expense.

we started on 2020-10-25

supported by

79 people
Donate in :
secured by Darujme.cz
Sibiř started to grow in the spring 2017, when we got keys from former cinema and entered for the first time. We started to repair whole building with our own hands and money and to bring life back into its walls.

Countless hours of voluntary work and countless amount of funds started to be visible on the shape of the building, and the house improved year by year. Sibiř step by step started to be place of gathering of different (sub)cultures and genres.

Since the beginning, when punk and hardcore bands played basically on the "construction site", we expanded our program and Sibiř hosted not only gigs, but lectures, theatrical plays, feminist or architectonic conferences, movie projections for children, independent fashion show, Native and indigenous film festival or art openings. During the coronavirus pandemic we also provided kitchen for local Food not bombs collective, which is cooking free food for everybody in need.

All of this is possible due efforts and enthusiasm of the whole Sibiř collective, and also enthusiasm of all of you, who are visiting the place and all the actions we made.

If you care about this piece of free, non-commercial space, we'd love it if you'd support us with a regular (or even one-time) donation.
Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

Permonovi k narozeninam :)


Už aby zase mohly být akce! Doufám, že to zvládnete, než skončí tento covid blázinec 🤘 Držte se.

Kuba Stochastic Reaper
CZK 800

Držím palce Sibiři! a těším se až zas bude otevřeno.

Martin Novak

___oceňujem vynaložené úsilie, bola by škoda to nechať padnúť___

Michal Bútor

Zdravím, dělám v Olomouci punk akci Punx night a rád Vám přispěji z fondu akce. Doufám, že i ta 500 trochu pomůže. Super, že provozujete takové místo, hodně zdaru a úspěchů a někdy v lepších časech naviděnou! :-)

Franta Kosmick
CZK 500

Drzte se!

Marketa Filipenska
CZK 200

Držím palce, ať to Sibiř ustojí!

Jitka Votavová

Držte sa. Ste super.

Eva Kicková

Držím palce, hodně zdaru!

Radek Vantuch
CZK 1,000

Hlavně ať to nadále šlape, byla by škoda kdyby ne.

Marcela Kočíková
CZK 1,000