The real birthday gift ❤️
This year, the same as the last one, I'd love to give my birthday gifts to those who really need them. This time helping and supporting others is much more important than ever. I've decided to support an organization CEREBRUM which helps people with brain damages and their relatives. 🧠
I haven't known much about stroke till a person very close to my heart suffered from it and the family's life was turned upside down. The recovery phase is a very important one and takes weeks and month and a lot of various techniques are required.
I will be grateful if you decide to support CEREBRUM with me. The gathering will last two weeks from May, 4 to May, 17. Thanks everyone for your help! ❤️
I haven't known much about stroke till a person very close to my heart suffered from it and the family's life was turned upside down. The recovery phase is a very important one and takes weeks and month and a lot of various techniques are required.
I will be grateful if you decide to support CEREBRUM with me. The gathering will last two weeks from May, 4 to May, 17. Thanks everyone for your help! ❤️
Stroke is only one of the brain damages and injuries, it can be also a tumor, an injury of the head or infection (and much more) which causes brain damage. This leads to paralysis, loss of muscle movement, difficulty talking or swallowing, memory loss or thinking difficulties, emotional problems, and loss of self-care ability.
This means months of recovery phase spent in a hospital or convalescent home, speech therapy, physiotherapy or psychotherapy. The need to adjust the house for that person. Learning things such as eating and using knife and fork, writing, reading, speaking. This all can happen. The results are unknown and the damage is quite huge - bigger for an older person or fa person with other diseases. People can lose their jobs, hobbies and they might need to stay at home more often or always. This, of course, leads to bigger psychological problems.
Stroke (which causes 8 - 9 000 deaths per year in CZ and from which almost 81 000 people were recovering in CZ in 2018) or other brain damages can happen unexpectedly and also in younger than elderly ag including kids. These diseases bring huge changes in people's lives - the patient's but also relatives' ones. And then you realize that you have everything you need. And that health is the most important thing no matter how much as a cliche it sounds. So I am really grateful for organizations as CEREBRUM which help and support people who need it in such a complicated and unexpected life situation. And I will be grateful for any help from your side in a place where it matters a lot. 🙏
This means months of recovery phase spent in a hospital or convalescent home, speech therapy, physiotherapy or psychotherapy. The need to adjust the house for that person. Learning things such as eating and using knife and fork, writing, reading, speaking. This all can happen. The results are unknown and the damage is quite huge - bigger for an older person or fa person with other diseases. People can lose their jobs, hobbies and they might need to stay at home more often or always. This, of course, leads to bigger psychological problems.
Stroke (which causes 8 - 9 000 deaths per year in CZ and from which almost 81 000 people were recovering in CZ in 2018) or other brain damages can happen unexpectedly and also in younger than elderly ag including kids. These diseases bring huge changes in people's lives - the patient's but also relatives' ones. And then you realize that you have everything you need. And that health is the most important thing no matter how much as a cliche it sounds. So I am really grateful for organizations as CEREBRUM which help and support people who need it in such a complicated and unexpected life situation. And I will be grateful for any help from your side in a place where it matters a lot. 🙏
CEREBRUM - Asociace osob po získaném poškození mozku, z.s. je pacientská organizace, která od roku 2007 sdružuje občany, kteří utrpěli poškození mozku (cévní mozkové příhody, traumata, nádory mozku či jiné poškození) jejich rodinné příslušníky i pečující.
Provozujeme celorepublikovou poradnu, kde poskytujeme informace např. v oblasti sociálních a zdravotních služeb včetně možností rehabilitace, v komunikaci mezi pacientem a pečujícím a podobně.
Pro tyto osoby rovněž provozujeme komunitní centrum – bezpečné místo pro každého, prostor pro vzájemnou motivaci a podporu, prostor, kde chceme dát každému ten pocit, že na to není sám.
Také poskytujeme trénink paměti a dalších kognitivních funkcí, trénink fyzických funkcí, psychologické a logopedické poradenství, pořádáme workshopy a realizujeme rekondiční pobyty.
Pro tyto osoby rovněž provozujeme komunitní centrum – bezpečné místo pro každého, prostor pro vzájemnou motivaci a podporu, prostor, kde chceme dát každému ten pocit, že na to není sám.
Také poskytujeme trénink paměti a dalších kognitivních funkcí, trénink fyzických funkcí, psychologické a logopedické poradenství, pořádáme workshopy a realizujeme rekondiční pobyty.
Děkujeme za Vaši podporu.
Krásné narozeniny! Všechno tohle dobro, co ve svém životě děláš, je pro mě opravdu velkou inspirací 🙏🏻
Krásný den! Jsi naše sluníčko a máme tě moc rádi. Díky z tvé krásné skutky ❤️
Lucie je jednicka!