Danny's b-day animal funding
Welcome to my birthday collection.
OBRAZ - Animal Defenders is a non-governmental non-profit organization dealing with animal rights. It focuses on enforcing legislative changes and other tasks and on educating the public. Their vision is to educate our society to stop view animals as source of human benefit, but as living creatures with their own interests, which are respected for ethical reasons. The organization has respect for democratic values and use its legitimate ways to change our society for the better.
The OBRAZ Organization already played major part in banning fur farms and is currently working on other projects.
OBRAZ - Animal Defenders is a non-governmental non-profit organization dealing with animal rights. It focuses on enforcing legislative changes and other tasks and on educating the public. Their vision is to educate our society to stop view animals as source of human benefit, but as living creatures with their own interests, which are respected for ethical reasons. The organization has respect for democratic values and use its legitimate ways to change our society for the better.
The OBRAZ Organization already played major part in banning fur farms and is currently working on other projects.
You can contribute by using the default preset buttons, but you can also contribute with an amount by your own choice.
Držím palce😊
Všechno nejlepší k narozeninám Daní. Krásné gesto, jsi zlatíčko. <3 Cením a posílám lásku!