Birthdays and Aging Help - Birthday donation for the Beauty of Help Foundation - help for our seniors.
Because everything in life is about people, stories, and the desire to share and help.
I will never be able to thank the girls enough for their work for the foundation. The dedication, warmth, and willingness to do something for others are incredible!
Because I agree with the words of the wise Dalaimama - "The main purpose in this life is to help others," I have decided to start a birthday fundraiser for this year, as part of my last birthday before turning 30, to support and help the seniors of the Beauty of Help Foundation and support the dignified old age of our grandmothers and grandfathers.
The topic of volunteering and help is very close to me. I have been a member and volunteer at the Beauty of Help Foundation for more than 6 years.
I can see every day that there is never enough help, decency, respect, and money. The social sphere is very labor intensive and underfunded. Unfortunately, medicines, devices, health care, everything is expensive, get retirement money is very small, and let's not kid ourselves, the salaries of social workers or people in the NGO sector are also not high.
The most important things in life may not be about money, but it is often needed and will help to provide a better, more comfortable life, and that is why I would like to support an area that is very deserving and money is needed in this year's birthday challenge.
I can see every day that there is never enough help, decency, respect, and money. The social sphere is very labor intensive and underfunded. Unfortunately, medicines, devices, health care, everything is expensive, get retirement money is very small, and let's not kid ourselves, the salaries of social workers or people in the NGO sector are also not high.
The most important things in life may not be about money, but it is often needed and will help to provide a better, more comfortable life, and that is why I would like to support an area that is very deserving and money is needed in this year's birthday challenge.
Jeden den koordinátorky péče stojí přibližně 2500 Kč. Za tu dobu může pomoct jednomu seniorovi se vším, co za celý měsíc potřebuje, nebo navštívit a pomoct více lidem.
Pokud si nastavíte pravidelný příkaz a budete posílat 500 Kč pravidelně každý měsíc, je to pro nás vlastně dvojitá pomoc. Díky pravidelným dárcům totiž dokážeme snáze plánovat naše aktivity dopředu a máme jistotu, že můžeme o daného seniory pečovat celý rok a být mu k ruce, když bude potřebovat.
Pokud si nastavíte pravidelný příkaz a budete posílat 500 Kč pravidelně každý měsíc, je to pro nás vlastně dvojitá pomoc. Díky pravidelným dárcům totiž dokážeme snáze plánovat naše aktivity dopředu a máme jistotu, že můžeme o daného seniory pečovat celý rok a být mu k ruce, když bude potřebovat.
Krásné narozeniny :))
Happy bday Jituško! :)
Všechno nejlepší, Jituuu!!!
Všechno nejlepší, Krásko. A díky za to, jaká jsi.