ESN Charity run
What: A charity run supporting single mothers
When: 14th May 2023 from 10 am
When: 14th May 2023 from 10 am
Where: Campus of Czech University of Life Sciences, Kamýcká 129, 165 00 Praha-Suchdol
Starting fee: 200 CZK / 8 EUR
Registration form HERE
Starting fee: 200 CZK / 8 EUR
Registration form HERE
The 14th of May is the Mother’s Day. A day where we should stop and thank our mothers for all they’ve done for us throughout the years!
We could stop… or we could run to show the support! Run for a better cause, to support the single mothers who are doing an incredible job raising children on their own. Let’s run around 5 km on the campus of Czech University of Life Sciences.
All the money will go to charity organization Fandi mámám z.s. (Cheering for mother).
Fandi mámám z. s. is a charity project made to support single mothers who have gotten into a problematic situation. They provide everyday needs and school essentials for the children. It’s main goal is to point out that raising a child alone is financially difficult and sometimes impossible.
Let’s support them by donating some amount which for you would mean having a few drinks and for them could be life changing. For participation in the run, a minimum donation is 200 CZK / 8 EUR.
We could stop… or we could run to show the support! Run for a better cause, to support the single mothers who are doing an incredible job raising children on their own. Let’s run around 5 km on the campus of Czech University of Life Sciences.
All the money will go to charity organization Fandi mámám z.s. (Cheering for mother).
Fandi mámám z. s. is a charity project made to support single mothers who have gotten into a problematic situation. They provide everyday needs and school essentials for the children. It’s main goal is to point out that raising a child alone is financially difficult and sometimes impossible.
Let’s support them by donating some amount which for you would mean having a few drinks and for them could be life changing. For participation in the run, a minimum donation is 200 CZK / 8 EUR.
Naším cílem je zlepšit tíživou životní situaci maminek samoživitelek a jejich dětí, a to nabídkou materiální pomoci. Zároveň samoživitelky podporujeme na cestě za zlepšením jejich situace. Vybraným samoživitelkám nabízíme přivýdělek v rámci práce pro organizaci Fandi mámám.
Zasíláme peníze, které se na akci vybraly v hotovosti, moc děkujeme za účast a těšíme se na příští ročník!
Happy Mother’s Day! Best holiday ever!
Bude zase dobře!
Běžet a zároveň i podpořit je vždy super!!
Smiley face