CzechDreamin supports Domov sv. Josefa
On behalf of the CzechDreamin conference let's support this cause.
- help the sick and those who care for them
- the only specialized facility in the Czech Republic
- strive for an easier life with multiple sclerosis
- have been developing a rehabilitation program for over 20 years
- help patients cope with the disease, stabilize their health and increase their self-sufficiency
- provide accommodation services in Domov, we also help in the home environment
- The basis of our services is an understanding of the uniqueness of each person and respect for their personality.
"Domov není tam,kde bydlíš, ale místo, kde Ti rozumějí." Pomozte nemocným s roztroušenou sklerózou žít plnohodnotný život.
Thank you
Thanks for organizing this! A great idea for sure