Aleš Zemánek: campaign for project Move for Hope 2024 - Daruj online

Family's pilgrim for Mary's Meals

we started on 2024-07-18
raised 75 % out of  €879

supported by

24 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
Let's support together food and education for one school year for 40 children.
Parents, three children, pilgrims on the Via Francigena.  
We are a family with three sons aged 6, 9 and 12, who are t
walking in stages along the oldest European pilgrimage route, the Via Francigena, for the third year.  This year we would like to complete the section from Besancon in France to Lausanne in Switzerland, or even a little further :-).  We travel "hard", without much planning.  We are open to what awaits us around the next bend, what kind of people we will meet.  We have no sporting ambitions, we "just" want to be together and at the same time travel for others. 
We decided to support the wonderful project Mary's Meals.  We plan to drive about 200 km.  There are five of us.  Each of us will support one child.  Each of us donates CZK 2.75 for every kilometer, i.e.  550 CZK, i.e.  food and education for the school year.

 Travel with us at least virtually, and together we will support 40 children.

Our previous travels: 
2022 - from San Miniato to Rome 
2023 - from Canterbury (GB) to Wisques (FR)

About Mary's Meals:
Mary's Meals provides school meals to children living in the world's poorest communities.  The promise of quality food brings starving children to school classrooms, where they gain education and hope for a better future.  For many of these children, food from Mary’s Meals is the only meal of the day.  It gives them the energy they need not only to come to school, but also to focus on their lessons.

Every school day, we already provide meals for 2,429,182 children, and together we can lend a helping hand to other children who are still waiting for Mary's Meals.  Only 550 CZK will feed one child for the whole school year.
Mary's Meals Česká republika z.s.
Prostřednictvím platební karty, Google Pay, Apple Pay a online převodu můžete podpořit projekt Mary's Meals jednorázově, nebo opakovaně. Předem děkujeme za vaší podporu!

Rodina A.Zemánka má u mne obrovský morální kredit. Přeji mnoho dárců a mnoho těchto patronů s obrovským srdcem.

Radomír Krupa
CZK 1,100

Díky za dobrou věc naším výjimečným farníkům na pouti.

Pavel Janík
CZK 1,100

Ať to šlape!

Michal N.
CZK 550

Discgolf je ZEN

Vojtěch Rozsíval
CZK 550
All donations support organization:
Mary's Meals Česká republika z.s., projekt: Move for Hope 2024 - Daruj online