Jitka Rychnová: campaign for project Nikdo by neměl být sám

Christmas collection to help seniors

we started on 2024-12-08
raised 375 % out of  €16

expires in

10 days

supported by

5 people
Donate in :
secured by Darujme.cz
Hello friends, colleagues, family,

thank you for looking at this Christmas fundraiser to help seniors. I believe that no one should be alone especially not at Christmas time. We all deserve to be surrounded by those we love and to have a smile on our faces and joy in just these little things that we sometimes take for granted. At the same time, those who don't have this opportunity are often forgotten. That's why I decided to support again during every Sunday of Advent the Nobody Should Be Alone project from the Beauty of Help Foundation, where I have been volunteering for 8 years now, and still every day, I can see how important and meaningful this activity is.

If you would also like to join the donation challenge, do a good deed, and help put a smile on someone's face during Christmas, I and many others would be extremely grateful! You can find more information about the Nobody Should Be Alone project, which is being donated to as part of the fundraising campaign.

About the project:

Do you also think that no one should be alone? Then support and share our vision. Our vision is for happy seniors to live a dignified life at home. That's why we offer individual care, support, and assistance to all who need it. We explain the possibilities, provide aid, arrange assistance, and introduce services that enable seniors to live with dignity at home. In this way, we break the vicious circle in which services exist, but seniors do not know about them or do not know how to ask for them. We will also connect seniors who suffer from loneliness with our volunteers who spend time with them. If 5 people enter a standing order for 500 CZK a month, that means a full day of care, companionship, and support, which is often enough to enable a person to live at home and with dignity and not have to go into residential care prematurely.

One day as a care coordinator costs approximately 2,500 CZK. In that time, she can help one senior with everything they need for a month or visit and help more people. If you set up a regular order and send 500 CZK regularly every month, it is a double help for us. Thanks to regular donors we can plan our activities more easily and we can be sure that we can take care of the elderly person all year round and be there for them when they need us.

Unfortunately, in old age, a large number of seniors stay alone at home (at least 500,000 seniors live alone in the Czech Republic by 2024), conditions are often very difficult for them, and of course, none of us want to go to a nursing home. Having a beautiful and fulfilled life is nice, but having a dignified and joyful old age is another matter. For me, volunteering is very meaningful, it brings joy and happiness to the eyes of the person who enjoys your presence and visit. The feeling you get when you see someone truly happy because of you is non-transferable. Loneliness is one of the biggest scares for all of us, and due to increasing isolation, it is becoming an ever-growing divide across generations. Talking, understanding, respect, and time are the most precious things we can give to one another. The wisdom and the experience of elders are what inspire and motivate.

"It is happiness to know in youth the virtues of old age, and it is equally happiness to retain in old age the virtues of youth." W. de Goethe
Nadace Krása pomoci
Také si myslíte, že by nikdo neměl být sám? Tak podpořte a sdílejte naši vizi. Naší vizí jsou spokojení senioři, kteří žijí důstojný život doma. Nabízíme proto individuální péči, oporu a pomoc všem, kteří to potřebují. Vysvětlíme možnosti, obstaráme pomůcky, zařídíme asistenci, představíme služby, které seniorům umožní důstojný život doma. Prolomíme tak začarovaný kruh, ve kterém služby sice existují, ale senioři o nich nevědí nebo o ně neumějí požádat. Seniory, kteří trpí samotou, také propojíme s našimi dobrovolníky, kteří s nimi tráví čas. Pokud 5 lidí zadá trvalý příkaz na 500 Kč měsíčně, znamená to celý den péče, společnosti a opory, což často stačí k tomu, aby člověk mohl žít doma a důstojně a nemusel předčasně do ústavní péče.
Jeden den koordinátorky péče stojí přibližně 2500 Kč. Za tu dobu může pomoct jednomu seniorovi se vším, co za celý měsíc potřebuje, nebo navštívit a pomoct více lidem.

Pokud si nastavíte pravidelný příkaz a budete posílat 500 Kč pravidelně každý měsíc, je to pro nás vlastně dvojitá pomoc. Díky pravidelným dárcům totiž dokážeme snáze plánovat naše aktivity dopředu a máme jistotu, že můžeme o daného seniory pečovat celý rok a být mu k ruce, když bude potřebovat.

All donations support organization:
Nadace Krása pomoci, projekt: Nikdo by neměl být sám