Humanitarian Aid Regional and Community Development

Dressmaking project in Obom (Africa)

Humanitas Afrika was founded by a handful of Africans and Czechs in Prague in 2000 with the aim of promoting mutual tolerance and understanding between Czechs and Africans and raising awareness of Africa, Africans and their culture in Czech society. It generally supports and strengthens good and friendly relations between the Czech Republic and Africa, and by extension between Europe and Africa.

we started on 2024-08-19

You can support our dressmaking project too!

Your generous donations will go towards buying sewing machines, supporting the workshop and supporting the children in general. Help us make the world a better place!

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The Humanitas Afrika dressmaking workshop in the rural community of Obom in Ghana has been the only vocational training center in this rural community and surrounding villages for many years. In 2005, the organization sent Ms. Nikola Hauerová, then a young Czech student volunteer at Humanitas Afrika, as the first traveler to Africa with the responsibility and mission of starting a dressmaking project in Obom. Nikola was accepted by Mr. Joseph Ackon, the on-site coordinator of the organization, who was a teacher at the Obom school. With Joseph's help, Nikola managed to gather a few interested parties, buy some sewing machines at the local market and start a dressmaking project under a tree in Obom. The project grew rapidly and attracted many young girls in the village as well as a few boys. In 2008, Humanitas Afrika expanded the project to include this workshop, which aims to recruit and train more young people in this rural community.
 Humanitas Afrika is the only NGO that has been working in this village community since 2001. It has supported many disadvantaged children to complete formal education, some of them to university level, who have now found work and live a dignified life. Started almost 20 years ago, the dressmaking workshop has trained and changed the lives of many girls and boys in Obom and surrounding villages. The dressmaking project offers vocational training and alternative opportunities for those who could not go through the formal education system. In Obom, there are no companies that offer jobs or institutions that provide training and skills to young people. The Humanitas Afrika charity and dressmaking project have been a source of hope and escape from poverty for many young people in the Obom community and surrounding villages for many years.

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Paulina Jirsová
CZK 100