Asociace genové terapie, z.s. Education and Research People with disabilities RESEARCH HELPS TURN INCURABLE DISEASES INTO CURABLE ONES Donate Start fundraising
IQ Roma servis, z. s. Education and Research Children, Youth and Family Give them a chance to succeed Donate Start fundraising
Moje česká škola, z. s. Education and Research Children, Youth and Family Do you share our vision? Support us! Donate Start fundraising
ROMEA, o.p.s. Education and Research Socially Disadvantaged Groups I want to succeed, that's why I'm studying! Donate Start fundraising
Malý strom na Letné, z.s. Education and Research Children, Youth and Family A Year for Malý velký strom Donate Start fundraising
Wikimedia Česká republika Education and Research Elderly Let's teach Senior citizens to write Wikipedia Donate Start fundraising
ROMEA, o.p.s. Education and Research Socially Disadvantaged Groups THANKS TO YOU WE HAVE A CHANCE! Donate Start fundraising