Proper school for ecological farmers
My name is Lucie and since I was a child I dreamed of having my own self-sufficient farm. But theoretical studies at university discouraged me from it. I figured I needed to get my hands in the soil and start thinking like a farmer. So I'm heading out on a journey to visit organic and permaculture farms in five European countries. With my study trip I also want to support the Farmers' School, a unique project in the Czech Republic that offers a comprehensive study of organic and biodynamic farming and 90% practice-based education. Will you join me?
I found out about the Farm School at a time when I really wasn't sure if I wanted to continue "studying" agriculture. My state final exam at the Faculty of Agronomy at MENDELU was approaching and I felt overwhelmed with theoretical information that did not mean anything to me.
Even as a child I had dreamed of having my own self-sufficient farm, but studying at the university rather discouraged me from it. I felt that instead of sitting on my butt in classrooms, I needed to put my hands in the soil and start thinking like a farmer. I nee dgood practice. One that would teach me how to take care of the land and provide a sustainable livelihood not only for myself but for my family. That's what Farm School offers.
Two years ago, I had an application form ready to go. I liked the fact that the teaching is 90% practice-based, but at the same time supplemented by expert lectures. I could have been one of those who are going to graduate this year. Circumstances willed it so I ended up going to my own pretty punk farm school. However I would still like to support my fellow classmates.
Right now I'm traveling on my own as a volunteer to permaculture farms in Europe. Eventually I plan to visit farms in Spain, Portugal, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia (more info at the very bottom). Five countries and five digits. 50 000 CZK. Can you help us collect them?
The Farmers' School is now in its fourth year of operation, but it was not officially accredited until 2023, which means that the previous years currently studying at the school are not financially supported by the government funds for educational facilities. In order for young farmers to successfully complete their studies and subsequently start filling our bellies with quality Czech food, they need help now.
All funding will go towards providing quality education for young people who care about nature and are well on their way to establishing their own organic and biodynamic farm in the Czech Republic.
Are you in?
Who likes to eat, let's join! ;)
You can read more about the Farm School project on the official website or on their Facebook page.
If you're interested in how I ended up spending the past few years, you can check out
Even as a child I had dreamed of having my own self-sufficient farm, but studying at the university rather discouraged me from it. I felt that instead of sitting on my butt in classrooms, I needed to put my hands in the soil and start thinking like a farmer. I nee dgood practice. One that would teach me how to take care of the land and provide a sustainable livelihood not only for myself but for my family. That's what Farm School offers.
Two years ago, I had an application form ready to go. I liked the fact that the teaching is 90% practice-based, but at the same time supplemented by expert lectures. I could have been one of those who are going to graduate this year. Circumstances willed it so I ended up going to my own pretty punk farm school. However I would still like to support my fellow classmates.
Right now I'm traveling on my own as a volunteer to permaculture farms in Europe. Eventually I plan to visit farms in Spain, Portugal, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia (more info at the very bottom). Five countries and five digits. 50 000 CZK. Can you help us collect them?
The Farmers' School is now in its fourth year of operation, but it was not officially accredited until 2023, which means that the previous years currently studying at the school are not financially supported by the government funds for educational facilities. In order for young farmers to successfully complete their studies and subsequently start filling our bellies with quality Czech food, they need help now.
All funding will go towards providing quality education for young people who care about nature and are well on their way to establishing their own organic and biodynamic farm in the Czech Republic.
Are you in?
Who likes to eat, let's join! ;)
You can read more about the Farm School project on the official website or on their Facebook page.
If you're interested in how I ended up spending the past few years, you can check out
And if you want some permaculture inspiration, I'm sharing all my findings right now on Facebook and Instagram.
Let's have a good meal!
Naším cílem je naučit naše studenty nejen osvědčené postupy v současném ekologickém zemědělství, ale také se zaměřit na změnu jejich myšlení, tedy aby začali krajinu a přírodu vnímat v její komplexnosti. Program má studentům pomoct rozvinout uvažování nad tím, jak začít hospodařit s přírodou a ne proti ní, porozumět tomu, co potřebuje a skloubit to se zemědělskou praxí.
Usilujeme o vědomé zemědělství, které krajinu nedrancuje, ale uzdravuje, zemědělství, které myslí i na budoucí generace.
Farmářská škola nabízí ucelený vzdělávací program v oblasti ekologického a biodynamického zemědělství. Vzdělávání se skládá ze tříleté praktické činnosti na vybraných ekologických farmách v Čechách (včetně vlastní školní farmy Jednorožec) i zahraničí a teoretických modulů vedených zkušenými docenty.
Potřebujeme vaši pomoc, abychom zajistili budoucnost Farmářské školy i v budoucích letech. Chceme poskytnout více mladým zemědělcům praktické a inovativní vzdělání a pracovat na zelenější a udržitelnější budoucnosti.
Jako podporovatel FARMÁŘSKÉ ŠKOLY můžeš:
Potřebujeme vaši pomoc, abychom zajistili budoucnost Farmářské školy i v budoucích letech. Chceme poskytnout více mladým zemědělcům praktické a inovativní vzdělání a pracovat na zelenější a udržitelnější budoucnosti.
Jako podporovatel FARMÁŘSKÉ ŠKOLY můžeš:
- posunout ekologické zemědělství v Česku,
- pomoci snížit negativní stopu našeho potravinářského a zemědělského průmyslu,
- se podílet na inovativním vzdělávání,
- zajistit dodávky kvalitních, lokálních a udržitelných potravin,
- podpořit rozvoj školní farmy Jednorožec.
Za každého ze 17 úžasných přispěvatelů přihazuju dalších 50 Kč. Díky vám všem!
Děkuji za krásnou inspiraci nejen z permakulturních farem a podporu myšlenky i studentů Farmářské školy. Milá Lucie, ať se daří putování po vašich životních cestách.
Šťastnou cestu, Lucko. Ať roste nová generace ekologických farmářů a farmáře.