Jana Jirasová: campaign for project Support Scout hall (re)constructions

50th birthday for scout clubhouses

we started on 2024-09-06
raised 65 % out of  €1,189

supported by

16 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
Dear friends! 

And here we are, I'm 50. Will you please help me celebrate through Your good deed?
What will make me happier than a bottle of wine or a mug with "50"?
Scouting is deeply connected with my life. For the past 7 years my volunteer work has been mostly linked to activities and management of the Czech Scout Foundation. I am happy with our achievements: among others, we have supported dozens of projects of scout clubhouses throughout the country. In other words, this means dozens of scout units and groups that have better conditions for preparing scouting adventures for boys and girls nowadays.

There are still many more scout groups with inadequate or missing facilities. If you want to, you can join the donors who have supported or are supporting the Scout Foundation with small donations, so that we can offer our grant applicants not only financial and administrative support for their donor appeals, but also professional consultation and advice. After all, few Scout leaders undertake a construction or renovation of a clubhouse more than once, so experience is worth its weight in gold.

Do you want to join my efforts? Any small gift is a stone in the mosaic that decorates the childhood of boys and girls in scout groups and units. We appreciate every such gift and it will make me much happier than a bottle of wine or a mug with 50 😊. And on top of that, we at the Foundation super-value small amounts set up for regular recurring donations. They mean that we are partners and that we have a common cause and that we are going to be helping scout groups together for some time.

And here is a map of the clubhouses that we in the Scout Foundation has supported so far (brown circles) and is supporting (green circles). Thanks to our support, scouts in all these places have a clubhouse in which scouting is a joy:

Thank you so much!

Skautská nadace Jaroslava Foglara
The Czech Scout Foundation supports fundraising campaigns of local Scout groups by providing training, online portal, and covering transaction fees so that every penny raised goes to Scout hall (re)constructions.
Scout centers are in the Czech Republic fundamental for the activities of local groups. Yet, dozens of Scout groups are struggling with a lack of clubhouses and do not have sufficient space to invite new members, develop their program, and organize more events.

The Czech Scout Foundation of Jaroslav Foglar makes sure that Scouts can reach out to their local donors effectively and that all donations are spent on (re)constructions of Scout clubhouses. We help from the very beginning with obtaining an architectural study, project documentation, as well as geting the material needed and finishing the construction.

Our goal is to be partners with Scout centers in large investment projects and to help find the missing funds by opening separate individual project on an easy-to-use online portal Darujeme.cz and besides , we multiply the donated amounts (so called matching) and also cover the administrative fee charged by the portal operator.

In last six years we have supported over 100 online donor projects, gained over 10,000 donations and the total amount received exceeded CZK 16 million. But that is still not enough!

Come and support Scout clubhouses with a regular donation.

Your regular donation will thus help development of Scouting at the local level throughout the country. Thank you for helping us!

All ongoing projects supported to be find (might be only in the Czech language HERE.


Zbyněk Žlůva
CZK 678

Díky moc za stálou podporu!

Skautská nadace Jaroslava Foglara


Zbyněk Žlůva
CZK 555

Děkujeme! :)

Skautská nadace Jaroslava Foglara

Janko, všechno nejlepší! Věra


Díky, Věrko!

Jana Jirasová


Zbyněk Žlůva
CZK 200

Díky moc!

Skautská nadace Jaroslava Foglara

Díky, Zbyňku!

Jana Jirasová

Vse nej

Denny Kudrna

Velice děkujeme za podporu!

Skautská nadace Jaroslava Foglara

Zdenny, moc díky! Zdravím do daaaleka :)

Jana Jirasová

Všechno nejlepší, ať se daří tobě i knihovnám!

Tereza Herdová

Díky moc za podporu!

Skautská nadace Jaroslava Foglara

Terko, díky! Zatím klubovnám, knihovny zase někdy příště :).

Jana Jirasová

Hlavně že stopět ♥

Vendula Bušková
CZK 1,050

Děkujeme ostopět! :)

Skautská nadace Jaroslava Foglara

... to budu libě pět :). Díky za všechno, Vendulko!

Jana Jirasová

Vše nejlepší

Karel Švejda
CZK 1,000

Díky moc, Karle!

Jana Jirasová
All donations support organization:
Skautská nadace Jaroslava Foglara, projekt: Support Scout hall (re)constructions