Dagmar Caspe: campaign for project SOS Povodně ČR

Halloween call to action for neighbors - Let's help those affected by the floods!

we started on 2024-10-03
raised 2 % out of  €3,962

expires in

10 days

supported by

4 people
Donate in :
secured by Darujme.cz
The water receded, but the disaster remains. 
Let's help those who are struggling with the aftermath of the floods in the Czech Republic. 
Dear neighbors, as every year we celebrate Halloween in Prague 6, which I organize for you in my free time. Monoho of you also join in and welcome trick-or-treaters, for that we thank you very much!
But this year I have a big request for you. As you know, many families in North Moravia, Silesia, and elsewhere in the Czech Republic were affected by the great floods. The water may have receded, but the damage will continue to be dealt with for many months, both to homes and to infrastructure. Many people in this part of our country are really not up for celebration. Many of them live far from major centres like Prague. So let's help them through this challenge at a time when we want to enjoy time with our families, friends and neighbours. Let's support the work of People in Need, a non-profit organization that does great work in these areas, not only in immediate relief, but also in repair and prevention. 
I believe that together we will be able to raise at least CZK 100 000, because every bit counts. 
What is People in Need doing in the affected areas? 

  • In the first weeks, they provide immediate material aid to affected households through municipalities and crisis staffs.
  • After the water recedes, they map the needs in the affected regions, visit individual households, and focus on helping particularly vulnerable groups such as people without relatives, without savings, the elderly or single parents.
  • They provide psychosocial support to the affected people, advising them on the necessary paperwork, as well as on home repairs. They continue to work on the ground for years after the disaster, until the inhabitants of the flooded areas come to terms with the consequences of the disaster.
  • They also have a long-term focus on disaster prevention, spatial planning, flood prevention, increasing the water retention capacity of the landscape and climate resilience.

Thank you sincerely for your generosity!

For more information about People in Need's current work during the floods, click here. 
People in Need - Člověk v tísni
Pomozte s námi obětem povodní! V reakci na povodně jsme aktivizovali týmy našich terénních pracovníků, kteří již začali pomáhat v postižených oblastech. Jsme také ve spojení s integrovaným záchranným systémem a případnou pomoc koordinujeme s dalšími organizacemi.
S odstraňováním následků povodní máme dlouhodobou zkušenost

V prvních týdnech se soustředíme na okamžitou materiální pomoc obcím, ale svoji hlavní úlohu vnímáme v adresné pomoci a obnově zasažených domácností. Mapujeme potřeby v postižených oblastech spolu se starosty a krizovými štáby, obcházíme jednotlivé domácnosti a zaměřujeme se na pomoc těm nejzranitelnějším, jednotlivcům nebo rodinám bez příbuzných a větších úspor. Poskytujeme psychologickou pomoc, radíme s vyřízením pomoci od státu, ale i s opravami domů či jejich vysoušením.

Na místě často působíme i roky po katastrofě, kdy se pozornost přesouvá jinam, ale lidé se stále nějak vypořádávají s následky.

Těším se na viděnou na Halloween!

Dagmar Caspe
CZK 1,000
All donations support organization:
People in Need - Člověk v tísni, projekt: SOS Povodně ČR