Give women a chance for a fresh start in IT

we started on 2024-10-24
raised 0 % out of  €3,447

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Lend a helping hand to women in difficult situations and become part of their journey towards a better future.

Changing lives for 10 years
At Czechitas, we've been opening up the world of technology to women for a whole decade. In that time, we've helped write hundreds of powerful stories of women who have found the courage to change despite the obstacles they face. In the last two years, thanks to the Czechitas Endowment Fund, we've given a helping hand to 22 women who couldn't afford to study. Join us in helping more women in difficult circumstances write a new, brighter chapter of their story.
Scholarship holders' stories
"The Digital Academy was an irreplaceable experience for me and I am glad that the Czechitas Foundation decided to help not only me but also other women in this way".
Magdalena, Digital Academy graduate
More stories

How is your support changing lives?
Over the past two years, thanks to our donors, we have helped 22 women on their way to a better future.
Every crown you donate means the opportunity for a woman to change her life and find a stable job in a promising IT field.
We give the women we support the gift of education. Scholarships are available for all Czechitas Digital Academies (Data, Cybersecurity, Testing and Web) and now for the AI Transformation Manager course. The cost for a woman to change her life through our courses is up to 87,000 CZK.

IT as a promising field
IT is an industry with high demand and above-average salary conditions. Graduates of our courses have often significantly increased their salaries and found stable jobs with opportunities for career growth.

Be part of the change
Every penny you donate is not just financial support. It is the promise of a fresh start, a better future and a dream come true. It is proof that even the seemingly unattainable can be within reach - all it takes is the courage and a helping hand from someone who believes in the power of change.

Give the gift of change. Give the gift of a future. Give hope.

Together we can write stories that change lives.
Nadační fond Czechitas
Give a helping hand to women in difficult situations and be part of their journey towards a better future.
Czechitas empowers women to break the boundaries of the IT world, bring much needed diversity to technology and change the future - not just of women, but of society. In this way, we promote equal opportunities and give women the chance to become experts in a field where they are underrepresented. Czechitas Endowment Fund then helps fund this journey for the disadvantaged.

We all have a story, but not all of us have the opportunity to tell it. Our mission is to provide that opportunity - to open the door to the digital world for those who, without our help, would stand at its threshold. A door to opportunity, to growth, to limitless potential. Every woman we support is a testament to the fact that with the right partner at your side, even the biggest obstacles can be overcome.

We give the gift of education to the women we support. Scholarships are available for all Czechitas Digital Academies (Data, Cybersecurity, Testing and Web) and now for the AI Transformation Manager course.

The cost for one woman to change her life through our courses is up to 87,000 CZK. The more money we can raise, the more women we can help on their way to a successful IT career and a happier life.

Women interested in the scholarship must describe and document their difficult economic situation in their application. We have a number of evaluation criteria that will be scored, including a minimum score threshold.

The support of our donors is not only a financial gift to us, but also a vote of confidence in our work and our vision. It is an investment in the future that will pay off many times over - not just for those who receive it, but for society as a whole. 

Thank you for every contribution, every word of support and for being part of our journey. Together, we are creating a world where equality and justice are part of every success story.